Tuesday, June 23, 2015

WeebleNugget Gets Social

You guys, I went a little overboard.  I'm not even ashamed to admit that last week, I went social media Weeble-crazy.  But to be honest, I got some not so great news and needed a distraction. So there's nothing major here today (sorry !) but if you want, you can take the time you would have spent reading whatever I wrote here and go check out those fun little buttons over there on the right and come join my social media crazy.  Or click here.  Or here. Or maybe here.  

I need some time to sort some stuff out so I'm sorry if I'm not commenting on your posts or answering your comments right away...I WILL SOON I PROMISE ! I've got a few fun posts that will show up this week (can we talk about how awesome the "Scheduling" function is ?!) and I will be back in full force very soon !

For know, enjoy this:


Monday, June 22, 2015

Don't Quit Your Day Job

I would never in a million years quit my job.  Not because I'm exactly thrilled to wake up and go everyday, but because it pays the bills, gives me some dollars to do fun things, and not accumulate anymore debt.  I can live on my own and that's what matters.  Not to mention the golden rule is, you never quit a job unless you have something else lined up.  And let's not forget, "It's always easier to find a job when you have a job." So obviously I would never dream of just up and quitting.

Except dream I do.  CONSTANTLY. I'm not made to sit behind a desk in an office, wear "business casual" (WTF does that even mean ? If anyone has a definitive answer to this, please tell me. Thanks.) and waste all my time not being outside or doing whatever the hell I want.  I know, I know, I know.  I'm supposed to, I have to, that's part of being an adult, blah, blah, blah...I CAN'T HEAR YOU I'M IN DREAMLAND RIGHT NOW.

Things I would do if money were no object and I didn't have to work:

  • Travel (Duh.) : Anywhere and everywhere. More specifically, I would get an RV and drive across the US so I could set foot in the 24 states I have yet to set foot in. And then off to as many islands as I could before heading over to Europe.  And since dollars don't count in dreamland, let's set foot in every continent while we're at it (I've already got 2 ! 5 more to go !)
  • Run : This can pretty much be accomplished while doing the above.  But how amazing would it be if I didn't have to schedule my runs around work and adult responsibility ? Pretty effing amazing.
  • Learn things : I'm a philosopher, remember ? I need to know all the things all the time. The world is huge and too many things to learn.  I need to fill my brain up. I can't even list all the things I want to do.  Just assume everything.
  • Sleep In & Netflix Binge : I had a small taste of that during my unemployment and as long as it's supplemented with fun things every other day, hot damn is this not an awesome way to chill out and recharge.
  • Start a dog rescue : This has to be one of the most financially and time consuming endeavors.  I would buy so much land and hire awesome people to help so I could save all the fur babies.
In summation: I want to experience life fully.  On my terms, in my own way.

But since I don't have unlimited money and DO have adult responsibility (which by the way, I'd like to return since I never signed up for this) I'll have to settle for making the most of my time outside the office.  I might just jump on the 30 X 30 bandwagon.  So, until a miracle happens that will make all my daydreaming a reality, I won't quit my day job.

If you had unlimited money and no job, what would you do ?

Friday, June 19, 2015

Monsters (Part 2)

If any of you have taken the time to give my About Me a gander, you've probably seen pictures of my monsters.  And by monsters I mean my four-legged children, Ryker (read his adoption story hereand Sadie.

Trying to get a non-blurry photo where both of them are looking in the same direction at the same time doesn't happen.

Both dogs are from an amazing rescue in Ohio and contrary to what most people think, they are not biological brother & sister-but don't you DARE try and separate them.  Now grab some pillows and blankets and get comfy for story time.  Let me tell you how I ended up with Sadie, my brindle pocket pit mutt.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Monsters (Part 1)

If any of you have taken the time to give my About Me a gander, you've probably seen pictures of my monsters.  And by monsters, I mean my four-legged children, Ryker and Sadie.

Trying to get a non-blurry photo where both of them are looking in the same direction at the same time doesn't happen.

Both dogs are from an amazing rescue in Ohio and contrary to what most people think, they are not biological brother & sister-but don't you DARE try and separate them.  Now grab some pillows and blankets and get comfy for story time.  Let me tell you how I ended up with Ryker, my blue-tick beagle mutt.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Evolution of My Blog

I touched on wanting to give my space a makeover recently and I've been making some small alterations here and there.  I've added a Best Of page and also some insight into my future goals. However, I still can't shake the feeling like my blog isn't the best blog it could be.  I want it to be better.

What do you do when you're trying to figure something out in 2015 ? You google it. After spending an afternoon scouring a zillion many blogs, pinterest, and bloglovin', I've come up with a list of goals:
  1. Download a blogging planner - plan my posts
  2. Create more posts ahead of time - schedule them for when life gets hectic
  3. Work on the photos/gifs in my posts - get the pictures off my phone and on the blog !
  4. Create more interactive posts - I want to create conversations, not just tell you stories everyday
  5. Find my niche - I don't want to pigeonhole myself anywhere but I also don't want to be so random that coming here gives you a sad.

I'm putting these goals up so that I can see progress AND hold myself accountable.  Because part of the blogging community is growing and changing and learning from each other. 

Are there any goals you would add to the list ?

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sassy Siri

I drive a base model Mazda 3.  Which means my car has no power locks or cruise control.  But it came standard with an AUX cable (priorities-go figure).  After going through umpteen cables like these guys from Target, I decided I was seriously sick of fighting with wires, decided I in no way was going to shell out a boatload of cash to get an aftermarket Bluetooth stereo installed and instead splurged a whopping $25 on this guy.  Minus the fact that I have to make sure I turn it off before I get out of the car so it doesn't die on me, it pretty much rocks.  Now I just have to turn it on, listen for the beeps and boom, hands free !  

Sometimes when I'm driving though, I don't feel like listening to the radio or using all my data to listen to spotify.  This past weekend, after skipping so many songs, I was like "Meh, don't feel like it," and went to turn off my bluetooth guy.  I had my phone in it's little holder thingy, and as I'm holding the button, it makes a weird bloopy noise and I notice Siri has popped up on my phone. 

Um, what ?! So stupid me never realized that my GoGroove ALSO works as a microphone.  Now the wheels start turning.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Don't Call it Hump Day

It drives me insane that people call Wednesday, Hump Day.  Just stop.  Please. It makes me hate life.  If you need something to focus on because it's the middle of the week, focus on Wednesday:

See what I did there ?  Here's some random Wednesday confessions for you.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A decade.

I graduated high school 10 years ago.  So of course, I had to get the reunion invite on Facebook. Insert eye roll here.  Let's be real.  With the rise in social media since I graduated, do I even NEED to travel back to NJ to see a large group of people that probably don't even remember I exist ? If I'm so desperate to play catch up with people, I'll send them a friend request and creep them that way.  I can choose who I actually want to interact with, creating so much less social interaction, I still get the same information, I don't have to wear pants to do it, and I won't have to hide behind fake "Wow, that's so great for you !".

So why can't I stop thinking about it ?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Philosophy of my Mind

I've been thinking about posting some non-floofy posts recently.  Or should I call them, "Get to know the inner workings of a WeebleNugget?"  Maybe I'll just tag them, "Getting to know a Weeble."  Anywho, after having this conversation with a few people recently, I thought "Hey, maybe I'm not the only one who's constantly going 1000mph."  Also, I said I would let everyone out there get to know more about me.  So, *deep breath in* here goes...

Everyone's seen this floating around the internet.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Happy Birthday !

Can you believe that 1 year ago today, From Zero to 13.1 started ?! I mean, have 365 days seriously passed already ?

Wow.  Just wow.

Did you miss it ? Don't worry, the posts didn't go anywhere so you can click through them and catch up !  I will say that after looking back at the posts from last year vs thinking about everything that's happened, I'm going to make a point to be more open.  I feel like everyone has a tiny, microscopic glimpse into who I am based on what I've posted and that's cool and all, but I feel like there's SO MUCH MORE we could talk about, explore, and learn.  

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